Homeelectronicelectronic PROPaper PROSingle PROProfessional
Advanced Features
Barcode Capable - Ability for any Variable or Constant to be represented in barcode format. Barcodes supported are Code 3of9, Standard 2of5, Interleaved 2of5, Code 128, Codabar, QR Code, Data Matrix, and PDF 417 - Link
Existing Data - Our Database remembers Bates Stamp information in a hierarchical manner (User, Project, Job), including next number. Just select case, add files to continue a bates numbering project with ease. - Link
Paper Processing Features
Supports Color with Color Printers. - Link
Works with any Avery™ Label. You can even custom design your own label.
Print Directly to Paper Documents or Print Paper Labels
Print the Output of a Label Job to a PDF that can be printed later or for customer proofs.
(Paper Labels) Make Tablets with sequential numbers. The numbers will be sequential from first page to last in each label and the start the next number on the next label from first page to last and so on.
(Paper Labels) Select how many copies you want of each label. Use this feature to make duplicate sets.
(Paper Labels) Print Down Then Across - If you select this feature you will always print complete sheets of labels, regardless of the Amount to Print entered.
(Paper Labels & Pages) If you select this feature your print out will begin with last number and print in descending order.
Features in All Bates Stamp Programs
Context Sensitive Help - Press F1 or the Help Button on any screen and view Help for that screen.
Have the ability to include Sequential or Constant Only labels
Prefixes and/or Suffixes may be any text.
Place any Label element anywhere on label or document.
Place Unlimited number of Sequential Numbers or Letters Variable text anywhere on label or document.
Place Unlimited number of Constant Text label or document.
Database Records all User and job processing Information, easy to add additional documents or labels. - Link
Works with any size paper that is supported by the selected printer.
Unlimited graphics elements on a label. Formats supported are BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, PNG - Link
Add current Date and/or Time element to a label - Link
Use Any Windows Font and Font Size for any text element
Customizable increment value. Use this feature to change the amount between each sequential number by any amount. (i.e. 100,200,300,400,etc. would be the result of entering 100 in the Increment box.)
Please review our License Agreement for license details.
Bates Paper 17 - Single User Version
Standard purchase of software is a download, add a CD-ROM to your order for both.
Questions - Contact Us
Homeelectronicelectronic PROPaper PROSingle PROProfessional
Common Sense Software